Know Your History 2016 Abuja News

The 2016 champions of National History Competition for Abuja zone consisting of schools from the northern part of Nigeria have emerged. The event which took place on Saturday 12th November 2016 at Noble Hall Leadership Academy for Girls Abuja saw StarGate International Academy Abuja FCT taking first position for the Junior Category, Regent High School and Noble Hall Leadership Academy taking second and third place positions respectively.

For the senior Category of the competition, Government Day Secondary School, Gauraka, Niger State, Star-Gate International Academy Abuja and Noble Hall Leadership Academy for Girls Abuja took first, second and third positions respectively.

According to the National Coordinator of Know Your History Initiative, the organizers of the National History Competition in Nigeria, the annual competition was part of the many steps taken to ensuring continued sustenance of interest in the teaching of history in our schools. He added that, a nation whose youths do not know their national history is doomed. Adding that "when our future leaders we teach in our classrooms are made to know our national history, they would know what the problems are, what caused the problems and how such mistakes that led to the problems would not be repeated". With this, he said better solution would then be proffered.

He concluded that if given the opportunity to take decisions, he would ensure history as a subject of study is made compulsory in all our schools. "This would make every Nigerian to know Nigeria and be more patriotic, committed and disciplined in ensuring real and actual development of our country."

He seized the opportunity to call on corporate organisations and government to support the programmes of Know Your History Initiative, especially the annual National History Competitions that started since 2010, so that our history can be known and understood by every Nigerian.