The Call

The Call

National History Competition would rely on your huge support as you assist in making the present and future generations have a knowledge of their past. The students’ full participation would lead them to discover the past so they could inform the present and shape the future.

Dr. John Henrik Clarke says, “... education is a compass that people use to find themselves on the human geography. It is the clock they use to tell their historical time of day”. He adds “The proper education of a people tells them where they have been and what they have been. It tells them what they are and where they are. Most importantly, a proper education tells them where they still must go and what they still must be

What is KYH?

National History Competition also known as Know Your History, is a competition for secondary school students in Nigeria. The competition is to reveal to our younger generation, much of Nigeria’s very rich history. More so, it is to make history come alive for Nigeria's youths and adults by engaging them in the discovery of the historic, cultural and social experiences of the past.

The competition is open to all students in arts, commercial, sciences technical and social science classes.

Why KYH?

As a teacher, I have discovered that most of our future generations we teach in our classrooms do not have much knowledge of our national history. We believe that history is not just a record of past events, but made every day by people. It is the life of any society. In addition, we want to celebrate academic stars arising from the contest and add glamour to academic excellence just like we have in music, drama and sports. We also want to celebrate history makers who have contributed positively to the growth and development of Nigeria.

Aims and Objectives

  1. To develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills of our students/youths
  2. To encourage students to be more conscious of, learn and appreciate Nigeria's History, culture and tourism.
  3. To develop oral and written communication and presentation skills among our teeming youths thereby promoting confidence in our youths.
  4. To encourage people to adopt a proactive and confident approach to the study of history, culture and tourism in Nigeria thereby encouraging conscious citizenry.
  5. To foster National unity by introducing and developing new educational resources, strategies and tools that will support the learning process and foster high academic expectation and achievement which this country needs urgently.
  6. To develop self-esteem and confidence, through research and reading skills thereby discouraging examination malpractices and laziness.
  7. To develop a sense of responsibility for and involvement in the democratic process of our dear country, Nigeria thereby promoting nationalism.
  8. To promote hard work and exhibit to Nigerian youth that hard, sincere and smart work pays.